Tattoo Culture

Eggplant flower motif, the captains of the Dayak tattoo motif.
Tattoo on the Dayak community in the past is a physical symbol that directly shows the strata of a person in society. Both men and women alike have tattoos. 

Eggplant flower motif, the captains of the Dayak tattoo motif.

While the motives of tattoo pictures as well adapted to the prevailing social strata in society. Figure tattoos among ordinary people is different with important people like the Chief, the Baliatn, the Demat and the Commander of the war. This culture of our times seems to also have a lot left out, for various reasons, although a lot of the Dayak-conscious generation to continue to develop it.

Dayak tribal tattoo culture

Kayau ( Head Hunter )

Kayau words mean as the head hunting community leaders who become enemies, where the head of the quarry will be used in rituals Notokng (The term Dayak Kendayan). So basically is a Kayau not a war between tribes such as the war in the riots that have occurred in Kalimantan, some time ago, that his victims indiscriminately whether an ordinary or an effect on the enemy. 
head hunter warrior
Kayau not haphazardly done, as well as enemy characters in the drill, all carefully considered by management. Meanwhile, the number of troops that will be on duty Kayau on the field at least seven people. Kayau generally done in the past against the enemy figures who are most different sub-ethnic Dayak him. 

  longnawan warrior

Kayau events recorded history and quite famous is the event Kayau Head of the kingdom of King Patih Gumantar Mempawah (Kingdom Dayak Kendayan) West Kalimantan Dayak Kayau forces Biaju / Ngaju Central Kalimantan, although the story circulating among the Dayak Kendayan our times mentions that the name Biaju This often say as Dayak Bidayuh Sungkung, and this is exacerbated by the authors of books about the history of West Kalimantan, which takes for granted the stories in the Community without further explored and even some authors with a trivial mention that this Biaju Dayak has its own island in the outer simply because hearing Borneo folklore that says that they came wearing Ajong / ship, when in fact an island with Dayak Kendayan just to get to their home areas via rivers and the sea indeed. 

head of the Dayak tribe kayau

happens identified by the prefix word Biaju and Bidayuh who both preceded by the word "Bi" and both had some words sound almost identical (BI-Aju and BI-dAYUh), and whose name must be pretty risky story orally amended . But a very definite and clear words Biaju mentioned explicitly in the story.

Dayak Ethnic Weapons

1. Sipet / blowpipe. Is the main weapon Dayak tribe. The shape is round and 2-3 cm in diameter, length 1.5 to 2.5 meters, the middle-middle hole with a hole diameter ¼ - ¾ cm which is used to include children blowpipe (Damek). The tip of a spear made of mountain stone tied with rattan and wicker have been on. Children chopsticks called damek, and telep is where children blowpipe.


 2. Lonjo / Spear. Made of iron and placed or tied with a woven rattan and stemmed from bamboo or hardwood.

3. Telawang / Shield. Made of lightweight wood, but the clay. Length of 1-2 meters with a width of 30-50 cm. The outside given the carving or painting and has a specific meaning. Next to the common place of handles.

4. Saber(Mandau). Is the main weapon and a weapon that is considered sacred hereditary. The shape is long and there is always a good sign carved in the form of inlay and carving just ordinary. Saber mountain made of stone, carved, engraved with gold / silver / copper and decorated with bird feathers or human hair.  

Saber has the original name of the so-called "Saber Threshold Birang Bitang Pono Adjunct Kajau", are goods that have a religious value, as well cared for by their owners. Rocks that are often used in the manufacture of Saber in near past, namely: Sanaman Mantikei Stone, Stone or stone Mujat Tengger, Stone Montalat.

5. Dohong. This weapon is a kind of dagger, but bigger and sharper side contiguous. Upper reaches of the horn and scabbard made of wood. Weapons may only be worn by chiefs, Demat, Basir.

Culture Ear length

At the present time a unique culture of the Dayak people who can only be witnessed on the Dayak people Stanmenras / clump Apokayan (Kenyah, Kayan and Bahau) and a bit of Dayak Iban and Dayak Punan only, while on the Dayak Others have not been found. Are other Dayak Society does not have this culture? To be honest almost all sub-ethnic Dayaks in the past have only just this tradition has long been left behind. Most of this tradition be abandoned since the arrival of an outsider to Borneo, ie since the arrival of Indian sailors and Arabic as well as Chinese or other ethnic Indonesia to Borneo, with reason to feel ashamed. but others leave 


This culture in the early days of Dutch colonial rule until the days of Japanese occupation. In the Dayak people who berdialek Banyadu Kendayan for example, from the stories of parents in the village district Tititareng Menyuke darit mentioned that in the Japanese occupation there are a grandmother who maintain Ear length. Sepeninggalan Grandma was then ended the long-term culture of the Dayak ear Banyadu. There is one interesting thing that might be the reason why people are still loyal Apokayan Dayak families maintain the culture of this long ears, if we notice that most indigenous elders or elder person or persons important in the social strata of indigenous Dayak people of this apokayan family is the most women.  

Women generally tend to be very firm known for maintaining custom or tradition that developed in the community than men, especially if the tradition is already considered part of the customs that must be preserved, then it certainly will be maintained, and especially if the person is important that these women generally always recommend that women remain elongate ear. But even so, over the development period it lately seems to already be in a critical condition in which many women are the Dayak family apokayan long left ear culture in a way to cut it.